What You Deserve

"Hello, you dirty perv" a small fairy popped up in front of you. "Yes you behind the screen, I can see you behind that screen" she giggles. "So this is the kind of stuff your into huh?" she asked but you knew she wasn't expecting an answer. They flourish their hand at you with a point and sparks issue forth striking you head on. Once the sparkle's clear you realize you're alone. Whatever that being was, it was gone now. At first you thought the sparks did nothing, your stomach rumbles. Yanking off your shirt you reveal your 6 pack abs. Your stomach rumbles again this time with a sharp pain. A sound like a whooping cushion sounds off and your abs expand into flab. Poking your stomach your finger sinks into soft fatty tissue. As you ponder your new spare tire, an extreme pain emanated from your dick. Gripping through your shorts your just in time to feel your dick before start to shrink in your hands. Pulling down your shorts you s...